TEDxBarcelonaSalon - The future of work
About this event :
What is the future of work? We will undoubtedly work from home much more than before the pandemic. But other aspects of work have also changed, are changing and will change. What are these aspects and what skills do we need to be able to work on what we like? And if we like to work from home, what advantages does it have and what are its challenges? To discuss all this we have invited two experts in the field: Pablo Hernandez is partner at McKinsey, where he has led multiple studies on the future of work and the necessary retraining in society. He has also been CEO of “Generation Spain”, a foundation in charge of retraining young people for employment. Pablo talked to us about the latest study that he has led on the challenges of work in the future, that can be seen here.
We have also invited Virginia Cabrera. Virgina has worked over 20 year at Telefónica as a Digital Transformation specialist, she is the founder of the company Cultivando Mentes Digitales and author of the book Disfruta teletrabajando. She worked for twenty years from home and gave us her recommendations on how to work from home successfully. | ![]() |
After the talks we will had the opportunity to delve into the subject. We debated among all and with the speakers.
19:00 Welcome
19:05 Lessons learned after 20 years working from home – Virginia Cabrera
19:20 The future of work – challenges and opportunities – Pablo Hernandez
19:40 Debate among all attendees
20:40 Networking
21:00 End of the event
Talk ‘Lessons learned after 20 years working from home’
The event took place in the auditorium of our sponsor, the Casa Seat at Paseo de Gracia 109 (corner with Diagonal).
Recording of the full event (talk + discussion)
About TEDxBarcelonaSalon:
At our TEDxBarcelonaSalon events we foster networking, dialog and the discussion among all members of TEDxBarcelona. In order to achieve this we meet once a month and listen to an interesting talk. After watching the talk we discuss about the presented subject. Here the list of past Salon events.
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José Cruset
Gladys Vega
Agnese Miselli
Alba Luján Lucena
Ana Maria Sánchez Granados
Luis Fernandez del Campo
Natalia Perciva
Vaida Vaitekunaite
Llucia Perello
Anja Grell
Alejandro Stranz
Dorothee Orf
franz inselkammer
Marta Martin
Simon McDonald
Roman Martin
David Vives Colilles
Josep Vidal
Humberto Ataide
Eric Arnout
Xavier Ricoma
Natalia Korobeynikova
Rabieh Adib
Carolina Scotillo
Isabel Rayo Baldellou
Nicolas Infante
Anton Morell
Emilia Magnasco
Valeria Mora
Marc Massana Comas
Cecília Nunes
Marisa Rey Arruga
Beatriz Casadevall Domenech
Raquel Godinho
Shirley Gomez Valdez
Martina Weiss
Francesc Adrià
Floren Garcia Delgado
Luisa Prieto Vinagre
Glòria Campà Colomer
Daniel Rodriguez
Kadri R
Judith Lopez
Livia Paretti
Manel Domínguez Gómez
Luisa Morante
André Matos
Diya Harwani
Daniella Mokbel
Liyan Kaawach
Eduardas Zigunovas
Lars Stalling
Vanesa García Porcel
Claire Parent
chiara carrano
Rosa YUI
Raul Garcia Rodriguez
Laia Casas
Pedro Villayandre Robles
Martha Beltran Sanchez
Marta Kozlowska
carmen fernandez
Eric Talabardon
Angelique Godet
Marc Font
Jordi Morell i Hugas
Nikita Singhal
Ciprian Botiz
Alejandro Isasi-Isasmendi
Patricia Gil Moreno de Mora
Flavia C
Catarina Soares
Joel Vicente
Julia Vallmayor
Florian Daniels
Vivianne Eslava
Alessandro Zonca
José Test Test
Irene Pegalajar alcántara
Angela Jordana Gomez
Paola Garcia
Glória Prats
Carolina Serrizuela
Katarzyna Dylik
Emilia Winnicka
Xilia Cardona Ametller
Pascual Botija Alonso
Ernest Companys
Cristina Pascual
Thais Raventos
Núria Pons
Sonia Martinez Gomez
Carme Ambros
Buenas noches