TEDx Barcelona


Julian Moore


About me:

Biographical Info:
I work as an IT & management consultant, building on a 30 year career in hi-tech businesses (defence, nuclear power, aviation...) in technical and senior operational & strategic executive roles. My current area of specialisation is Enterprise Architecture, though I prefer to say that I am a generalist and that "I do Stuff" (where Stuff is whatever is interesting, hard and pays well). My degree is in physics and I follow current research in the field of General Relativity, cosmology and string theory (as variously construed). I have also written for Philosophy Now magazine in the UK (articles and interviews - John Searle, Igor Aleksander - on the philosophy of mind & AI). I am also a published poet and have written a literary-philosophical novel entitled "Fragments of Berossus" entirely in prose-poetry... for which a publisher is yet to be found (perhaps unsurprisingly).
I'm passionate about:
Understanding the universe - and the nature & role of consciousness in it.
An idea worth spreading:
The basis of my novel is the search for and justification of an ethical principle to guide the 3rd millennium, which turns out to be "Do Not Carelessly Destroy"... Four words to state, 320000 words to put in the context of an epic narrative.
Contact me if:
You are a senior executive with questions about EA. Or if you are a literary agent. Or you have another interesting and remunerative opportunity to offer...

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