About this event :
At our TEDxBarcelonaSalon events we foster networking, dialog and the discussion among all members of TEDxBarcelona. In order to achieve this we meet once a month and listen to an interesting talk. After watching the talk we discuss about the presented subject. In order to make this event effective we limit the number of attendees.
From February on, all TEDxBarcelonaSalon events are taking place in the Moritz factory at Ronda Sant Antoni 41.
Mikko Hypponen: How the NSA betrayed the world’s trust — time to act
We watched the video of his talk altogether (in english with spanish subtitles). Afterwards, we discussed about the current situation and look at possible alternatives available today already.
We finished the event with networking and a beer for everyone. The entrance was free.
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Klaus Hofeditz
José Cruset
Kadri R
Albert Queralt
aaron new
A. Matías Quezada
Marc Morera Merino
Areg Manvelyan
Marta Lorenzo
Verónica Brezzo
Marti M
Alexia Boynes
Jessica Shull
Lautaro Cozzani
Imanol Atchet
Mikel Dosta Genis
Sergio Mariscal
Eduardo Santamaria
Olivier Marques De Brito
Eric Kleinjan
Selva Orejón Lozano
Isabel Beltran
Kirian Campoy Cano
Cornelis Clement
Maria Adele
Paola Ruiz
Adriana Freitas
Laura Noemi Pacheco
Silvia López Martínez-Cairo
Osvaldo Zanca
Axel Claver
Cristian Medina Casasola
Pere Molina
Jordi Ferrer
Mike Belza
Sonia López
Livia Milcevicova
Qin Xiang
Sonia López Muñoz
Hugues de Montard
Pau Feliu
Jordi Ustrell Aguilà
Laura Palmer
Luis Razo
Manfred Karrer
Claudio Geyken
Aman Cabanas
Anna M. Hueto
Manel Gonzàlez
Sara Stershic
Fabrizio Ferri-Benedetti
Jordi Vilaro
juan carlos monasterio saez
Jesus Bonet i Alsina
marta michalowska
Natalia Dominguez
Merche de Heriz Ramon
Zakir Maqsood
xavi tur
Mercè Gausí
Virginia Espinosa Duró
Abigail Olivares
Michael Hengst
Beatriz Lizana
Alice Lenzi
Antonio Alonso
Ianmarik Cazérb
Christian Caballero Pelicano
Ara Kevonian
Shant Kevonian
Jose Limeres
Laura Goberitz
Manu Martin
Stephany Alcántara Segovia
Jay Libove
Enric Alonso Pérez
Susanna Dittrich
Nicolas P.
Adrià Brown
Miguel Pérez Balagueró
Ignasi Corretger
Gregor Pe
Alice Colin
Eugenia España
eli bov
Carmina Crusafon
Quepesaosconelfeisbuk Leches
Sergi Alern
Angel Pérez
liana patrikova
Marc Petit
Baptiste Brassart
maría martha sierra bruno
Ruth Sackl
jeff crawford
Muchas gracias por vuestra asistencia y participación en la discusión!