TEDx Barcelona


TEDGlobal 2013

At TEDxBarcelonaLive we are offering you the original TED events live in Barcelona (via live-streaming). During one day we presented all the talks of one day at TEDGlobal 2013 which takes place in Edinburgh, Scotland.

The conference TEDGlobal 2013 took place from June 10th until 14st. Our event took place on the 13th of June starting at 10:00 am and lasted until 8:00 pm at the Mobile World Center Barcelona (c/Fontanella 2, Plaça Catalunya, Barcelona). We showed all talks of one full day. The language of the talks was english without subtitles. During the breaks we offered drinks and snacks. The attendance was free. Below is the schedule and the list of all speakers presented during that day.

TEDxBarcelonaLive 13/06/13
10:00 – 11:30
Session 4: Money talks
Chrystia Freeland
Annette Heuser
Toby Eccles
Didier Sornette
Apollo Robbins
Mariana Mazzucato
Plutocracy chronicler
Rating agency reformer
Social investment visionary
Risk economist
Gentleman thief
Innovation economist

12:15 – 14:00
Session 5: Listening to Nature

Bernie Krause
Marla Spivak
Sonia Shah
Greg Gage
Yaron Herman
Suzana Herculano-Houzel
Carin Bondar

Natural sounds legend
Bees scholar
Science writer
Jazz pianist
Wild sex biologist

15:15 – 17:15
Session 6: World on Its Head
Nassim Assefi
Gabriella Gomez-Mont
Juan Pardinas
Trita Parsi
Holly Morris
Tania Bruguera
Dina El Wedidi
Lesley Hazleton
May El-Khalil
Teddy Cruz

Doctor, novelist, Guest Host
Creativity Officer, Guest Host
Economic policy innovator
Political scientist
Explorer and filmmaker
Performance artist
Accidental theologist
Founder of the Beirut Marathon
Architect and urbanist

18:15 – 20:00
Session 7: Regeneration

Molly Stevens
Siddharthan Chandran
Grégoire Courtine
Mark Kendall
Le Trio Joubran

Biomaterials researcher
Regenerative neurologist
Spinal cord researcher
Biomedical engineer
Oud trio

More information regarding the conference TEDGlobal 2013 can be found on TED’s website.


Mobile World Centre

Estrella Damm