TEDx Barcelona


TEDxBarcelona 19 Jun 2014 – ponentes



home speakers Dinner team Sponsors


Pablo Rodriguez Pablo Rodriguez Pablo Rodriguez is the Director of Research and Innovation and Head of the Barcelona R&D lab at Telefonica Digital. He is also adjunct Professor at the department of computer science at Columbia University (New York) where he teaches Social Networks and Distributed Systems.
With over 15 years of international background in ICT, Pablo has developed his career in the United States as a software architect and entrepreneur in three Silicon Valley start-ups (Inktomi, the search engine of MSN, Yahoo and AOL for more than five years; Netli and Tahoe Networks). He has also worked at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, where he was involved in the design of the Microsoft’s Windows Update system to secure more than 300 million computers, and at Bell-Labs in New Jersey where he made fundamental contributions to P2P networks and mobile computing.
In his current position, he tries to push Internet thinking in new sectors of the economy. Some of such efforts include working with El Bulli Foundation to introduce technology in the area of nouvelle cuisine or working with the Barcelona Football Club defining future strategies for soccer playing. At his core, Pablo is an activist and a peer-progressive.

Cecilia Tham Cecilia Tham Cecilia Tham is the founder and mastermind at MOB, Makers of Barcelona, a collaborative community and facility for the innovative hipsters, the creative geeks and the business-savvy movers and shakers that call Barcelona home. She has received studies in Biology as well as in design in Emory University and Harvard University and has lived in various different places such as Macao, Hong Kong, United States and now she is currently based in Barcelona. She recently launched the first European FabCafe in Barcelona in 2014, a hybrid of digital fabricated lab within a coffee shop environment. She is also one of the organizers of the first Mini Maker Faire Barcelona 2013 and as well as a partner at Habitan Architects, an architecture firm based in Barcelona. She is a visiting professor at Parson New School of Design Strategy and Management. Cecilia has been a speaker at TEDx Taipei, TEDx ESADE, TEDx Sant Cugat as well as Open FAD Conference and Smart City Conference 2014. She is currently the Design Ambassador for W Hotel Barcelona. She was a regular contributor to the newspaper Le Economic.

Antoni Orti Antoni Orti I’m an entrepreneur, innovative, transparent, open-minded, easy to adapt to new rules and the most important: I’m considered a connector of People and Ideas. I believe in persons and in teamworks to get the challenges. That’s a concept very important to get a good management in any project. I like to see how the teamwork enjoy their achievements.

That’s a small summary about my academic and professional life.

Industrial Mechanical Engineer since 1995. During last year 2011 I pursued my knowledge widely across Industrial and Services Project Management Master Degree organized by UPC in Barcelona (finished in July.) During last 2012 I studied a Renewable Energies Postgraduate in Barcelona University. Currently I’m pursuing a MBA, planed to be finished next year 2015.

About my professional life. I have worked in various business sectors, from the chemical to the marine market. Now I am the Project Manager and R&D engineer at OTEM2000. Green Solutions & Management S.L., a start-up focused to develop clean and green energy sources.

Aryanour Djalali Aryanour Djalali Aryanour DJalal (1975) is originary from Palma de Mallorca and Iranian descendant. Degree at Polytechnical University of Catalonia. He worked in the studio of Enric Miralles and Joan Busquets. He learned at the University of Delft (Holland) “architecture is something more that boxes, are buildings that rotates that hugs and speak each other”
From the year 2000 he leads his studio in Barcelona with and extended influence to a lot of Mediterranean countries, Northern Africa and the Middle East.
Aryanour, work together with a creative multidisciplinary team, which has contributed to the creations of value added products and, in consequence, the success of the projects.

Ariane van de Ven Ariane van de Ven Ariane van de Ven is a trend consultant and strategist experienced in 360 innovation including trend forecasting, human centric research, new product development, brand positioning, portfolio management, communications strategies and advertising. She has been working for Fortune 500 companies, organisations and brands around the world to help them understand the consumers of tomorrow and to anticipate their future needs so that they can develop innovation strategies that can lead to the creation of products and services that bring real added value. Her experience spans across diverse industries including technology, FMCG, public sector, NGOs, fashion and luxury.
 Ariane has a global vision of innovation and trends, having lead assignments in Europe, the U.S.A, Asia, Africa and Latin-America. A xenophile, Ariane has lived in Paris, London, New York City, Amsterdam and Madrid. She is now based in Barcelona. 

Ariane is also a public speaker and a lecturer. She has taught classes at Columbia University (NYC), Esade and Elisava (BCN) as well as Telefónica Universitas. She is passionate about understanding what motivates the human brain and considers herself a techno-optimist.

David Pastorino David Pastorino As an actual member of the BBT research group in the Technical University of Barcelona (UPC), David focuses his research on advanced biomaterials for bone regeneration. The shift from using materials to fill defects towards a multidisciplinary design of temporal scaffolds mimicking the body is the leading line of his PhD. Originally graduated in Materials
Science at the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Lyon, he dove into biology, biomedical engineering , physics and chemistry to face the challenges of medicine. Motivated and determined, David is also co-founder and leader of a start-up company, Subtilis Biomaterials whose objective is the design and commercialization of innovative, cost-effective bone grafting solutions emerging from the BBT group (UPC Barcelona). “Life’s about timing” said Carl Lewis, David is also a sports-addict: climbing, moutain-biking, he defends the Spanish flag in the international Biketrials scene.
Contact: david.pastorino@subtilisbiomaterials.com

Miguel Lozano Miguel Lozano Miguel Lozano Grande nació en Montgat, en Barcelona, en 1979, al lado del Mar Mediterráneo. Precisamente fue el mar lo que marcó su carrera deportiva desde muy joven. Aficionado al buceo, a la pesca submarina y a la natación, practicó todas las disciplinas que tuvieran al mar como protagonista hasta que tuvo un primer encuentro con la apnea deportiva, momento que cambiaría definitivamente su vida.Con 1,94 metros de estatura, 87 kilos de peso y una capacidad pulmonar de 9 litros, Miguel poseía unas cualidades innatas para la práctica de la apnea al máximo nivel. Este hecho le permitió adaptarse en tiempo record a las exigentes condiciones de esta disciplina deportiva y a superar una y otra vez retos en su práctica.Para adquirir experiencia y perfeccionar su estilo, Miguel se ha sumergido en las playas de medio mundo, desde Australia a Sudáfrica, pasando por uno de sus lugares predilectos, Dahab en Egipto. Allí ha tenido la oportunidad de entrenar y compartir experiencias con algunos de los nombres más consagrados de la apnea como el plusmarquista mundial italiano Umberto Pelizzari, del que ha adoptado gran parte de su técnica y filosofía sobre la apnea, o apneístas de fama mundial como William Trubridge, Sara Campbell, Guillaume Nery, Davide Carrera, Mike Maric o el checo Martin Zajac, entre otros.

Angie Rosales Angie Rosales Angie Rosales 44 años, nacida en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, llega a Barcelona los 6 años. Muestra interés por el teatro desde muy pequeña y se forma con diferentes pedagogos de la ciudad.
El clown toca su puerta de manera imprevista y cautiva su corazón. A raíz de entrar en contacto con el mundo del payaso hace un casting para payasa de hospital, donde fue escogida. Funda Pallapupas hace 14 años en Barcelona, como consecuencia del impacto que recibió al conocer esta nueva profesión. La experiencia como madre de tres hijos le ha ayudado indudablemente en su crecimiento profesional como payasa de hospital. Actualmente es la directora de la entidad que tiene como misión crear un espacio para la risa durante el proceso de la enfermedad, y convertir así los hospitales en espacios más amables y llenos de vida a través de actuaciones artísticas, con un equipo de profesionales remunerados, orientadas a niños y a personas mayores, en estrecha colaboración con el personal sanitario. Fuera de los hospitales, hacen teatro con personas que sufren alguna enfermedad mental o con personas que tienen familiares muy cercanos (como por ejemplo hijos o hijas) con enfermedades mentales. El teatro se utiliza en este caso como herramienta de expresión en su lucha contra el estigma.

